Saturday, July 27, 2013

Love, Relationships...

And Marriages?

So this topic was suggested by a friend of mine BN; hopefully I will do it justice. I must say in advance that this subject will be revisited.

It's so funny how enthused I was when I was younger to get married. I figured that by the time I was 30 I would find the man of my dreams and we would start our lives together. I am probably one of a handful left of people from my JHS class that is married and or engaged. Do I feel a way about it? Nope, not even in the slightest. As I sit here I wonder why we are so consumed with having someone around that loves us unconditionally. Shouldn't we have enough self love to full that void?  
I am constantly bombarded with the question regarding when my "future wedding". I must have missed the group conversation I had stating that getting married was on the top ten list of things I hope to accomplish. 
But I would like to know what exactly is the purpose of marriage. It's a legal contract binding two pple together. How loving is that? How romantic.. Yet it seems as though some members of society do it prove a ship.

To be cont...

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