Monday, March 28, 2011

A situation all too familiar...

Now I am not typically the type to put all of my business out there but this morning I saw a situation that struck home. A dad on the train with his daughter. Now normally this is quite the norm when fathers are out with their child. What's so disturbing about this image was the fact that the little girl, aged between 5-8 was clearly uncomfortable around this man. Now if you were not utilized with common sense you might have thought homeboy was running away with the little girl. I guess it didn't help that he was talking to her with mobile device in hand. 
Now having children is not only a conscious decision made by a woman, but she can't get to that stage without the additional 23 chromosomes provided by her mate, sperm doner or whatever other term fits your situation. Why is it a constant struggle between the sexes to take care of our young. If you don't want kids have a vasectomy or appropriate sterilization technique to ensure that the "responsibilities" aren't conceived.
I don't know..
It's just frustrating to raise a kid with a proud absent father around... and the ones that suffer the most are the newest members of the world.

It's a fucked up situation that I see no end to... which in this day and age is an absolute shame....

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