Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lack of education results in....

Absolute fuckery at the check out....

Sooo I decide to take a rare lunch and follow my coworkers to K-Mart. I wasn't planning on making a purchase but I saw some socks that my girlies are in need of. Its my turn to approach the register, which I figured shouldn't take more than 3 minutes to ring up. The "cashier" Alicia asks if I would like to sign up for the store's rewards card. I figured at most it would take up an additional 2 minutes of my time...................

She asks me for my information, starting with my name. Now it was obvious she was not familiar with a QWERTY keyboard.....at all. On top of that she has the attention span of an impaired goldfish. After repeating the first 3 letters of my name until she was able to key it in correctly we get to the dreaded happen...  She didn't have the slightest clue what or where the"dash was...  After about 20 seconds of her unsuccessfully searching for this phantom character I instructed her to its location and provided her with the letters that followed. Now I had to spell everything for her including my street name and address.....patience is almost see thru at this point because about 10 mins have now gone by.... now she has to key in my birthday which for story sake is 3/23/2003... she is unable to key that in properly... finally I advise her the correct way it needs to be entered in order for the computer to take it 03/23/2003...-_- (please note I was advised to slow down because I was saying the information faster than her brain was able to comprehend)

By this time my coworker has already bagged my 2 packs of socks because god forbid she is left with that tedious task. So I ask for the total, her response "you only had two items right?" Shouldn't you know that..........

Morale of the story... if the person if your cashier looks questionable PLEASE save your time and brain power and keep things as simple as possible. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and its pointless to sacrifice yours when someone else's has already been fully degraded..

1 comment:

  1. dead @ impaired goldfish... im soooo mad i missed this
